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Found 5830 results for any of the keywords 423 562 2261. Time 0.011 seconds.
Caryville | LaFollette Housing AuthorityCaryville Development 311 Elkins Road Caryville, TN 37757 423-562-2261 After-hours emergency calls: 423-562-2261 Caryville is a 30-unit development comprised of efficiency, 1, 2, 3, and 4 bedroom apartments. Management S
Jacksboro | LaFollette Housing AuthorityJacksboro Development 331 Main Street Jacksboro, TN 37757 423-562-2261 After-hours emergency calls: 423-562-2261 Jacksboro is a 20-unit development comprised of efficiency, 1, 2 and 3 bedroom apartments. Management Staff
LaFollette | LaFollette Housing AuthorityLaFollette Development 802 South Fourth Street LaFollette, TN 37766 423-562-2261 After-hours emergency calls: 423-562-2261 LaFollette’s 336 units are comprised of efficiency, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 bedroom apartments. Managem
Wartburg | LaFollette Housing AuthorityWartburg Development 150 Carter Street Wartburg, TN 37887 423-346-6345 After-hours emergency calls: 423-562-2261 Wartburg is a 50-unit development comprised of efficiency, 1, 2, 3, and 4 bedroom apartments. Management St
Oneida | LaFollette Housing AuthorityOneida Development 420 North Oneida Circle Oneida, TN 37841 423-569-4704 After-hours emergency calls: 423-562-2261 Oneida is a 151-unit development comprised of efficiency, 1, 2, 3, and 4 bedroom apartments. Management S
Rocky Top | LaFollette Housing AuthorityRocky Top Development 1015 Vivian Street Rocky Top, TN 37769 865-426-2829 After-hours emergency calls: 423-562-2261 Rocky Top is a 130-unit development comprised of efficiency, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 bedroom apartments. Manag
Jamestown | LaFollette Housing AuthorityJamestown Development 222 South Circle Jamestown, TN 38556 931-879-7412 After-hours emergency calls: 423-562-2261 Jamestown is an 81-unit development comprised of efficiency, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 bedroom apartments. Managem
HCVP | LaFollette Housing AuthorityWhat are Housing Choice Vouchers? The Housing Choice Voucher Program, formerly known as “Section 8”, is the federal government’s major program for assisting very low-income families, the elderly, and the disabled to rent
Home | LaFollette Housing AuthorityLaFollette Housing Authority was established in 1950. Today, LHA manages 1,116 public housing units and 328 Housing Choice Vouchers.
Developments | LaFollette Housing AuthorityLearn more about LaFollette Housing Authority s housing developments.
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